Thursday, August 15, 2013
Saying Alhamdulillaah is Better than the Favour/Blessing granted
Ibn Maajah reports from Anas bin Maalik that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said,
"Allah does not grant a servant a favor for which he says al-Hamdulillaah except that what he offered [of praising] is better and more virtuous than what he took [of the favor]. [Ibn Maajah [no. 3805] and it was declared hasan by al-Albaanee in ‘Saheeh ibn Maajah’ [no. 3067]]
Al-Bayhaqee commented on this by saying,
"This is because the servant does not attain [the station] of praising and thanking Allah except by His tawfeeq. Therefore the greater excellence [of his praising Allah as compared to the initial blessing that Allah bestowed upon him] is by virtue of his being blessed with the [ability to] praise Allah and extol him and this did not exist in the initial blessing. [‘Sharh as-Sindee `alaa ibn Maajah’ [no. 3795]]
Similarly, Shaykh Jamaal ad-Din Zarabozo wrote:
"In fact, every worldy blessing that is not accompanied with thanks to Allaah is a calamity. If Allaah blesses a person and guides him to thanking Allaah for a bounty he has received, that act of thankfulness is better than that worldly bounty and more beloved to Allaah. Allaah is pleased with the attribute of thankfulness and gratitude. And He bestows ti as a special grace from Himself to whomsoever He wills"
[End Quote, Commentary on the forty hadith of Al-Nawawi, Hadith #26: Charity Upon Every Joint]
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