Friday, September 7, 2012

Benefits from Al-Qawaaid Al-Fiqheeyah Lifahm Al-Nusus Al-Sharaeeyah(Understanding the Principles to the Texts of Islamic Law) - 3

Abu Ubaydallaah Hamid Vince Kromwell [5/9/12]: 

 Sheikh Al-Sa'adi said that if one is presented with a number of affairs which are beneficial, he/she should choose the matter which brings the most benefit. Example: If one is praying a sunnah prayer and the obligatory prayer has started then they should leave the sunnah(which is good) and pray the obligatory(which is better) ie.waajib before mustahaab. Also spending on one's wife preceeds spending on one's other's relatives. This also goes for choosing between the higher of two things which are mustahaab(desirable).

The explainer mentioned that there are exceptions to this general rule. Example: reading Quraan is a higher form of dhikr than simply sitting and making dhikr BUT after the obligatory prayer making dhikr as shown by the Prophet,peace be on him,is better.

This principle is also used in wordly matters concerning,food,clothing,jobs,spouses and so on.

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